A collective of progressive women formed South Sound Women’s Leadership in the spring of 2018 to transfer political power from those who traditionally had money, influence, and a seat at the table to those who have been politically underrepresented. Over the past two years we have prioritized the investment of action and money in women, women of color, and LGBTQ candidates.

And we have won.

Over the past two years, with hundreds of women and allies by our side, South Sound Women’s Leadership has realized significant accomplishments.

  • We have unseated legislators who were accused and guilty of abusing their power through the harassment and assault of staff and other women. South Sound Women’s Leadership led the charge in raising the voices of those who had in the past been silenced and ignored.
  • Not only did we oust abusers from office, but we helped elect women of color to replace them. Melanie Morgan is the first person of color to represent the 29th legislative district in nearly a decade. She is a true representative of her community and has proven to be a force in the state legislature.
  • We have provided hands on support for dozens of women in their first run for elected office.
  • We have held Canvass’ and phonebanks for progressive women candidates across Pierce County.
  • Our action and investment has inspired a new community of women to begin creating political change in Pierce County.

We can’t stop now.

In our current political climate, having women in positions of power matters more than ever. Join us as we continue our work to elect more women in Pierce County.